Aplikasi Fasilitas Kesehatan
Aplikasi Fasilitas Kesehatan
1 December 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Trustmedis is a health tech solution provider for healthcare facilities of various types in Indonesia. Trustmedis connects patients to health facilities through secure health information exchange platforms We open the opportunity for you to join Trustmedis and develop your creativity. We are hiring Software Engineer

Responsibilities :

  • Developing and directing software system validation and testing methods
  • Actively creating innovate solutions to meet technical need's company
  • Overseeing the development of documentations
  • Applying best practices and standar operating procedures
  • Working closely with clients and cross-functional departments to communicate product statuses
  • Shaping the future of systems

Requirements :

  • Fluent in JavaScript including ES6+ syntax
  • Creative thinker, able to creatively solve complex problems
  • Experienced with Javascript web frameworks (Express, Fastify) and PostgreSQL
  • Understanding of REST APIs and its security best practices
  • Ability to write well-documented, clean JavaScript code
  • Familiarity working with Unix based environments
  • Bonus points: familiarity to system design, network architecture and microservices concept
More information about recruitment in other channels, We are Hiring Software Engineering

Please kindly send your latest resume to hrd@ts.co.id Subject : Engineer- Your Name[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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